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Flowing Forward: The Power of Movement in Overcoming Obstacles

Ever feel stuck, like there's no way out? You feel crammed between a rock and a hard place? It's a visceral feeling, isn't it? You feel it in your body. Maybe you're tense, pulled in, contracted. Maybe your stomach hurts or your breath is held, feeling like you'll never get a full breath.

I've been there. Sometimes life feels really challenging, and we can't see the way out. When that happens to me, I often want to curl up into a ball and take a vacation from the world. But I've learned that's not always the best way, not the way out. Our bodies hold our stories—literally. In our gut, in our bones, in our tight, unyielding muscles. It's a natural response to stress. Our body is getting ready to act, to fight, to flee, to do something in response to overwhelming feelings. This held energy disrupts our natural flow and peace.

That's when the opening to change and growth is, well, almost counterintuitive. Yes, sometimes you need to rest and retreat, but if you listen to your body's energy and desires, you may find what is needed is to MOVE. I capitalized that because sometimes it's so important to find the flow, no matter how small—the small voice inside that asks, where is there an opening, where is there flow, where can I move? You may feel there's nowhere to go. To that, I would say, go inside. I know we're not taught that's a good place to go. In fact, we often do everything to avoid that direction. But for myself and my clients, I say find anywhere, anyplace that feels just a little bit open and move into it. That may mean dancing, writing, drawing, painting, skipping, laughing, and for sure, breathing!

We get stuck as humans and forget how to move forward. We need to first move inward—into the depth of our being, into our bones, into our gut, and listen to the soft rhythm of life. We are rhythmic beings. Our breath moves our bodies, our heart pulse is a steady beat through our being, our belly rumbles with motion when we are satisfied or in need of satisfaction.

Listen to what your body has to say, listen to the pulse of life and feel it. Feel it in your bones, in your muscles. Dance to its beat, let it find expression. You will be forever grateful when you commune with your own nature and allow it to move you forward in life.

As a mind body coach, I help others tune into the wisdom of their bodies, to connect with the life force moving them, to create from the depth of their soul and emerge into their wholeness, feeling healthier, more alive, more on purpose, and expressing their unique spark of divinity.

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